Sunday, June 12, 2016

To Make A Difference

Let me ask you something. Have you ever bullied someone? Have you ever been the victim of bullying? Odds are the answer is yes to one and no to the other. A friend approached me today and gave me a bracelet. She said that her friend had committed suicide so she was starting an anti-bullying movement. Starting with a bracelet. A little thing you wear around your wrist, to remind you that bullying is not okay. What I would call a small step in the right direction. I've already come to the conclusion never to take this bracelet off. If there's one thing I hate, it's a bully. But being the shy, introverted person that I am, I don't always take a stand when I see someone being bullied, a lot of you probably do too. But we really should, stand up when we see someone being picked on for whatever reason. Because if you aren't a bully, chances are you've been on the receiving end of what a bully is capable of. The fact that a person, or group of people can be so mean, as to drive a person to taken their life makes me sick to my stomach, to say the least. So I have decided not to just walk by, pretending like I didn't see anything anymore. It isn't okay to make someone feel like they're less than they are, and it isn't okay to just let people do it either. My prayers go out to all of those being bullied. To all of those who have taken their life because of a bully. And to all of the bullies out there, making people feel below them, like nothing, like less than the beautiful, wonderful people that they are...
To all of you reading this, who have ever been bullied by anybody, wether that be currently or in the past, I just want to let you know that God created you with a purpose in this life, and God loves you with all His heart. You are all beautiful, and amazing. No matter what anybody says. Don't let another persons words define who you are. Don't let a bully define who you are or who you hope to be. You can be anything you wanna be and do anything you wanna do; don't let anybody tell you otherwise. If you have a dream, make it reality. You're goals are important, you are important. You are appreciated. You are loved. You are extraordinary. And you are not alone.
To the bullies reading this. You're loved too. You're important too. You're amazing and extraordinary. You just got a little lost on your way to something great. That doesn't mean it's too late to do something good. To help someone, instead of hurt them. Try being the reason someone smiles instead of cries. I think you'll find that it's much more satisfying.
And finally to anybody else who may possibly have made it through my rambling on about what I think, more specifically, the friend of someone who is being bullied. I want you to know that I speak from experience, as both the elementary school mainstream, minor, bully, who knew how to throw around a bad insult now and then, as well as the girl who has been bullied. Who has known what it feels like to let a persons words and actions define you. I shouldn't have been so easily defined by another person, who thought they were so much better than me. But at the end of the day, it was the friends and family that stuck by me, who showed me what my real worth was, and that anyone who made me feel worthless, was wrong, and had no place being in my life. So do me a favor, and your friend a favor, and take a stand against the horrible insults and words that can so easily hurt a person, take a stand against bullies. Help your friend when they need you the most. Or even help a stranger who's being bullied, when they just need a friend. You might find that you could have saved a life, or just a persons self esteem. Either way, you've made a difference.

Until Next Time,

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