Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Who You Are=Accepted

Acceptance. The dictionary defines the word as the action of process of being received as adequate or suitable, typically to be admitted into a group. As humans we tend to strive for acceptance. We don't like the idea of someone, or many someones not liking us, not accepting us for who we are. So we change who we are to fit the definition of what teenagers in this day and age are more likely to accept. We change our appearances, how we look, what we wear. We change our personalities, everything about us that makes us unique as human beings. We transform into someone that society will like. And we often don't care what has to be done to achieve that. Pretty is better. Popular is likable. Perfect is approachable. Acceptable. Which is too bad. Acceptance is not as important as we make it seem. We don't have to change anything about who we are in order to feel accepted. Because at the end of the day who we really are, on the inside and the outside, is all you need to be accepted by the people who will come into your life and really matter. Our personalities, our kindness and compassion. Our ability to be there for our friends. Empathy. Courage. Strength. Love. These simple things, character traits, are far more interesting than popular and perfect will ever be. So I encourage you to be yourself, no matter what anybody thinks. Be kind, be strong, be crazy, be different..Be exactly who you are. Don't let anybody make you think that you need to be anything other than what you are in order to be accepted. God made us all different and unique, He made us in His image, and I promise you that one day, someone is gonna walk into your life, and love you for everything that you are, no matter what. And that my friends is true acceptance.
Until Next Time,

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