Friday, April 8, 2016

Pick Yourself Up

As someone who has dealt with a fair amount of loss recently I'm coming to realize that missing someone is probably one of the worst feelings that I have ever experienced. Especially when the person you're missing can't come back. It's like a part of you suddenly goes missing until you get it back. Sometimes you do get it back, but sometimes you can't. What do you do then? Do you just fall down and cry, admitting defeat and never accepting this loss that has effected you so much? Or do you fall down and then pick yourself up, and move forward? Well I personally lean towards the latter. Missing someone hurts for a while, but that's no excuse to give up on anything. This wonderful life of ours is not something that will always be easy, and we're gonna miss someone everyday of our lives, sometimes even without realizing it. And while when knowing that we won't have to miss someone forever makes the feeling easier, that doesn't mean that it's not gonna be hard. I have come to find recently that when I lose someone I'm close to it's much easier to cope with when you have the Lord in your heart, patching up the hole that the loss of someone left in you, until you see them again one day. I find a certain peace in knowing that God is the one thing I'll never have to miss, because He's always with me, no matter who leaves me, or what I'm going through, or how I'm choosing to cope with what I'm going through, or even when I do something wrong. God's not going anywhere. And sometimes that makes personal loss easier somehow. It doesn't mean I'll stop missing the people I have lost one way or another. It just means that I can pick myself up, and move forward, despite how difficult it may be to do so.

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