Thursday, March 24, 2016

When You Hit a Wall...

           Being sore is a part of daily life as an athlete. You work hard and train hard and afterwards it’s only natural that your muscles get sore. And it hurts, really bad. But thats actually a good thing believe it or not. You see, when your sore after a workout, it means that your muscle tissue is tearing, and it causes a pain, which is soreness. Now that sounds pretty bad and if it tears to much then it can be. But in reality, when your sore and your muscle tissue tears, then that means that it’s working to grow back even stronger. So in short when your sore from a workout or some sort of physical activity, it just means that you’re getting stronger.
           As Christians, and as human beings, we struggle with things. We hit walls, meaning, we meet people and we lose people. We love people, just to end up hurting because they leave or they hurt you or for some reason they can’t be around you anymore. We miss people so much it hurts. And then there are always those walls that don’t so much involve people. The walls that involve life in general. The walls that we run into and we just can’t bring ourselves to get back up. And we want to look to God and we want to pray and ask for help, and sometimes we do, but not all the time. And we sit down and we wonder, why on earth is this happening to me; whatever “this” may be. And we can’t quite bring ourselves to find an answer…
           I like to think about emotional pain as a sort of physical soreness. Sometimes we hit walls, and something inside of us tears and it makes us sore, it makes us hurt on the inside.  But the good news is that we won’t be sore forever. Sometimes, something inside of us needs to tear in order for us to get stronger, and grow. When something tears on the inside, it may take a while to heal, but when it does you’ll be stronger than you were before. So yes, bad things happen. Life isn’t easy. But if your in a ton of pain, physically or emotionally, chances are, God’s using that to help you grow, and to help make you stronger. But He won’t ever throw something your way that you aren’t strong enough to handle, and if by chance He does, you can trust that He’ll carry you through it. 

Hebrews 12:1

"Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with endurance the race set before us,"

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